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KCC Membership

Join or renew your KCC membership

Your membership fees help cover the costs of our efforts and programs. Join us by becoming a member today and support the work of preserving the lands and significant ecosystems of the Kingsburg Peninsula and promoting access to them.  At a time of significant global warming, this work could not be more important. 

Family membership is for two adults and their children under 18 years of age. Each adult is permitted one vote at the AGM and at any special meeting.

Yearly Membership Fees

  • $30 Individual Membership
  • $50 Family Membership

Note that your membership fee will be automatically processed annually if you pay online by credit card. If you are paying by cheque, we will send you a reminder when payment is due.

How to pay for your membership

3 ways to pay for your KCC Membership

  1. Pay for your membership online
  2. Send a cheque to the KCC at: Box 1, Site 1A, Rose Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada, B0J 2X0.
  3. E-transfer to kingsburgcoastalconservancy@gmail.com
    (no security question required)

Donating Land

Talk to us about the options for giving land and possible tax benefits. The KCC can issue a tax receipt for the current appraised market value of donated land, and there may also be other tax benefits. If the land is ecologically sensitive, it may be eligible for further tax breaks through the Canadian Ecological Gifts Program, administered by Environment Canada.

We can provide you with information about a new program for U.S. residents who wish to donate land to a conservation organization in Canada and gain U.S. tax advantages.

There are other options for landowners interested in preserving their land.

One option to consider is utilizing a “Split Receipt” approach:  In some cases, the KCC and a landowner may agree on a split receipt arrangement, part sale and part donation. In this case, the landowner sells at a substantially reduced price and receives a receipt for the donation of the remaining value. Such a donation of land allowed KCC to protect a wetland area at Sand Dollar Beach.

If you are interested in talking with us about a possible land donation, please contact us via our email, contact@kccns.org.